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يرجى اختيار الوسوم المناسبة، مثل: مقال، فيديو.


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برجاء توضيح أسباب شعورك أنك بحاجة للإبلاغ عن المستخدم.

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A Loan proposal

Saleem Mohammed

Warm regards to you. We have a direct mandate from our investors to seek new business opportunities and projects for possible funding and capital financing. Our investors are from the Gulf region and intend to invest in viable ventures or projects which you are currently executing or intend to embark upon as a means of expanding your global portfolio This is the reason why am contacting your highly esteem comoany. We are open to further discussions on this subject through any medium you deem appropriate. Contact me if you’re interested

Falcons Investment.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,

Best Regard
Wassen Khalid.
Personal Email: [email protected]

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